Ezra Weston Loomis Pound, geboren am 30. Oktober 1885 in Hailey, Idaho, USA, und verstorben am 1. November 1972 in Venedig, Italien war ein amerikanischer Dichter. Er gilt als einer der herausragenden Vertreter der literarischen Moderne. Sein Hauptwerk ist The Cantos. Er propagierte vor 1914 den Imagismus und den Vortizismus. Während seines Italien-Aufenthalts von 1924 bis 1945 bewunderte und unterstützte er den italienischen Faschismus.
...Ich sehne mich nach Menschen meines Schlags // Und Werktagsmenschen sprechen mich nicht an // Ja ich vergeh nach Menschen meiner Geistesart // Und habe niemand um mich außer Schatten ...
(1905), Quelle: www.evahesse.de; Ezra Pound Werk und LebenEzra Pound wurde in Hailey, Idaho, USA, geboren.
This mug shot was taken by U.S. armed forces in Italy. Someone wrote on the back of the photograph: Dont let the press get a hold of or even hear about this picture.
Studio photograph of American poet Ezra Pound (1885–1972) in May 1898 with his mother, Isabel Weston Pound (1860–1948). The collar of his uniform shows the letters C.M.A., Cheltenham Military Academy, Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, which Pound attended from 1897 to 1900.
Bildquelle: Ezra_Pound_and_Isabel_Pound.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Unknown; copyright probably held by the studio, which is also unknown. Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Studio photograph of American poet Ezra Pound (1885–1972) in May 1898 with his mother, Isabel Weston Pound (1860–1948). The image shows the letters C.M.A. on the neck of his uniform, Cheltenham Military Academy, Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, which Pound attended from 1897 to 1900.
Ezra Pound by Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1913, collotype photograph, from the National Portrait Gallery, which explicitly releases this image under the CC0 license. It was published in Coburns Men of Mark in New York in 1913, and thus does not fall under US copyright restrictions. (https://npg.si.edu/object/npg_NPG.78.14)
Black-and-white United States passport photograph of American writer Ezra Pound. Image courtesy of the Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library.[1]
Bildquelle: Ezra_Pound's_passport.png Autor: Wikipedia / United States Department of State Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Ezra Pound United States Passport marked canceled.
Bildquelle: EzraPound_Passport.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / United States Department of State Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Ezra Pound United States Passport marked canceled.
Ezra Pound, 1967. Ritratto del poeta in terracotta policroma (forse fusione in bronzo) realizzato dallo scultore Ernesto Ornati. Luogo: studio di Ornati, Via Tabacchi 11, Milano. Servizio fotografico: Milano, 1972 / Paolo Monti. - Buste: 4, Fototipi: 4 : Diapositiva, sviluppo cromogeno/ pellicola; 10x12. - Serie costituita da 4 buste di diapositive identificate con i nn.: 991, 994, 1016, 1017. - : 4/ 30 marzo 1971/ / dal N° 16824 al N° 17956 (1971-1976), presso Archivio Paolo Monti. - Fonte: Monografia: Nature morte di Ernesto Ornati, catalogo della mostra, Milano 1970, a cura di Giovanni Testori, Milano, Allinsegna del pesce (1971). - Fonte: Agenda di Paolo Monti.
Targa bronzea in Medinaceli ( ES ) con una frase di Ezra Pound che tradotta letteralmente Ancora cantano i galli allalba a Medinaceli Archivio Fenice Europa
The security cages at the United States Army Disciplinary Training Center in Pisa, Italy, where the poet Ezra Pound was held for three weeks in 1945 after being arrested for treason.
The security cages at the United States Army Disciplinary Training Center in Pisa, Italy, where the poet Ezra Pound was held for three weeks in 1945 after being arrested for treason.
United States passport issued to Ezra Pound. 31 cm x 22 cm. Stamped Cancelled. Ezra Pound Papers, Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
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