Chris Brown

Steckbrief von Chris Brown

Name:Chris Brown
Christopher Maurice Brown
Beruf:US-amerikanischer Musiker, Tänzer und Rapper
Alter:35 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:5. Mai 1989
Geburtsort:Tappahannock, Virginia, USA
Größe:1,85 m

Christopher Maurice „Chris“ Brown, geboren am 5. Mai 1989 in Tappahannock, Virginia, USA ist ein US-amerikanischer Hip-Hop-, R&B- und Popsänger, Songwriter, Tänzer und Grammy-Preisträger. Außerdem tritt er zeitweise auch als Schauspieler oder als Regisseur von Musikvideos sowie Musikproduzent in Erscheinung.

Bekanntheit erlangte er 2005 durch seine Debütsingle Run It!, welche Rang 1 in den USA erreichte. Neben seiner Tätigkeit als Musiker war er auch in einigen Filmen und Fernsehsendungen zu sehen. Brown hat bislang 100 Millionen Tonträger verkauft.

Mehr über Chris Brown auf Wikipedia

Chris Brown wurde in Tappahannock, Virginia, USA, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Chris Brown

Chris Brown Bild 1
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 2
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 3
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 4
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 5
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 6
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium

Alle 66 Bilder anzeigen

Chris Brown Bild 7
August Alsina als Vorakt auf der One Hell Of A Night Tour (2016) von Chris Brown, Hamburg/Barclaycard Arena
Chris Brown Bild 8
Chris Brown in January 2016 performing Back 2 Sleep at Cafe Iguanas in Miami, photographed by Jake Careshin
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Chris Brown Bild 11
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 12
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 13
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 14
A fan holding up a sign during Chris Browns concert at FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa
Chris Brown Bild 15
Graffiti artwork in Tokyo, Japan, depicting Chris Browns Breezy album cover
Chris Brown Bild 16
Chris Brown performing on his Party Tour (2017) photographed by Jake Miosge
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Chris Brown performing on his Party Tour (2017) photographed by Jake Miosge
Chris Brown Bild 18
Chris Brown performing on his Party Tour (2017) photographed by Jake Miosge
Chris Brown Bild 19
Chris Brown performing on his Party Tour (2017) photographed by Jake Miosge
Chris Brown Bild 20
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 21
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 22
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 23
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 24
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 25
Chris Brown Live at 11:11 Tour 2024
Chris Brown Bild 26
Chris Brown in London, performing Come Together during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 27
Chris brown og mig
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Logotipo usado para la carátula del álbum F.A.M.E. de Chris Brown
Chris Brown Bild 29
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 30
Chris Brown and his engeneer Patrizio Pigliapoco in June 2016, in the studio working on Heartbreak on a Full Moon
Chris Brown Bild 31
Song cover from Chris Brown single Fine China (song)
Chris Brown Bild 32
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 33
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 34
Chris Brown performing Come Together in London (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 35
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 36
Chris Brown in London, performing Under the Influence during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 37
Chris Brown performing in Tampa, FL, during his One Hell of a Night Tour
Chris Brown Bild 38
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 39
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 40
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 41
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
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Chris Brown mugshot
Chris Brown Bild 43
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 44
Chris Brown painting in Amsterdam (March 2016)
Chris Brown Bild 45
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 46
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 47
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 48
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 49
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 50
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 51
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 52
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 53
Chris Brown performing at Drais nightclub in Las Vegas on July 8, 2017
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Chris Brown on the set of a music video (2023) photographed by Travis Colbert
Chris Brown Bild 55
Chris Brown in London, performing Come Together during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
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Chris Brown performing on his Indigoat Tour in 2019
Chris Brown Bild 57
Chris Browns custom mask
Chris Brown Bild 58
Chris Brown performing in 2022 during his One of Them Ones Tour
Chris Brown Bild 59
Chris Brown in London, performing Come Together during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 60
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 61
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 62
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 63
A fan holding up a sign encouraging Brown to release Breezy, during his concert in Saudi Arabia in March 2022
Chris Brown Bild 64
Chris Brown performing during his Under the Influence Tour, at Jamaica National Stadium
Chris Brown Bild 65
Chris Brown in London, performing Come Together during his Under the Influence tour (2023)
Chris Brown Bild 66
Chris Brown during The Party tour in May 2017

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Chris Brown

  • Wodurch ist Chris Brown bekannt?

    Chris Brown ist ein 🙋‍♂️ US-amerikanischer Musiker, Tänzer und Rapper

  • Wie heißt Chris Brown richtig?

    Chris Brown heißt mit bürgerlichem Namen Christopher Maurice Brown.

  • Wie alt ist Chris Brown?

    Chris Brown ist ⌛ 35 Jahre alt. Bis zu seinem nächsten Geburtstag am 5. Mai 2025 sind es noch 78 Tage.

  • Wann hat Chris Brown Geburtstag?

    Chris Brown wurde an einem Freitag am ⭐ 5. Mai 1989 geboren. Sein nächster Geburtstag fällt auf einen Montag.

  • Wo wurde Chris Brown geboren?

    Chris Brown wurde in 🚩 Tappahannock, Virginia, USA, geboren.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Chris Brown geboren?

    Chris Brown wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♉ Stier geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen die Schlange 蛇 mit dem Element Erde ('Erde-Schlange').

  • Wie groß ist Chris Brown?

    Chris Brown hat eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,85 m. Damit ist er größer als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.

  • Welche Haarfarbe hat Chris Brown?

    Die Haarfarbe von Chris Brown ist 🧑🏼‍ schwarz.

Mehr Geburtstage am 5. Mai

Mehr 35jährige Prominente

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Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Chris Brown | Chris Brown Steckbrief | Chris Brown Größe | Chris Brown Geburtstag | Chris Brown geboren | Chris Brown Geburtsort | Chris Brown Alter | Chris Brown Geburtsdatum | Chris Brown Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Chris Brown geboren | Wo wurde Chris Brown geboren | Alter von Chris Brown
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Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Chris Brown, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.