Marcel Kittel

Steckbrief von Marcel Kittel

Name:Marcel Kittel
Beruf:deutscher Radrennfahrer
Alter:36 Jahre
Geburtsdatum:11. Mai 1988
Geburtsort:Arnstadt, Deutschland
Größe:1,88 m

Marcel Kittel, geboren am 11. Mai 1988 in Arnstadt, Deutschland ist ein ehemaliger deutscher Radrennfahrer. Der Sprintspezialist wurde neunzehnfacher Etappensieger bei Grand Tours, davon 14 allein bei der Tour de France.

Mehr über Marcel Kittel auf Wikipedia

Marcel Kittel wurde in Arnstadt, Deutschland, geboren.

Bilder zum Thema Marcel Kittel

Marcel Kittel Bild 1
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.
Marcel Kittel Bild 2
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.
Marcel Kittel Bild 3
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.
Marcel Kittel Bild 4
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.
Marcel Kittel Bild 5
Jonas Deichmann with Marcel Kittel before a race start.
Marcel Kittel Bild 6
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.

Alle 7 Bilder anzeigen

Marcel Kittel Bild 7
The Tour de France got underway in 2014 with a three-day race on English soil. This was the signal for Mark Cavendish to surge ahead, but the British rider took too many risks, falls and had to bow out, unintentionally paving the way for Marcel Kittel, who kicked off his Tour de France with a sprint victory and the yellow jersey in a repeat of his performance the previous year. None other than Britains Princess Kate presented Kittel with the yellow jersey. The German sprint bomb not only started like the year before, he also ended with the same result: four wins to his credit.

Verwandte Themen

Fakten über Marcel Kittel

  • Wodurch ist Marcel Kittel bekannt?

    Marcel Kittel ist ein 🙋‍♂️ deutscher Radrennfahrer

  • Wie alt ist Marcel Kittel?

    Marcel Kittel ist ⌛ 36 Jahre alt. Bis zu seinem nächsten Geburtstag am 11. Mai 2025 sind es noch 92 Tage.

  • Wann hat Marcel Kittel Geburtstag?

    Marcel Kittel wurde an einem Mittwoch am ⭐ 11. Mai 1988 geboren. Sein nächster Geburtstag fällt auf einen Sonntag.

  • Wo wurde Marcel Kittel geboren?

    Marcel Kittel wurde in 🚩 Arnstadt, Deutschland, geboren.

  • In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Marcel Kittel geboren?

    Marcel Kittel wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♉ Stier geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen der Drache 龙 mit dem Element Erde ('Erde-Drache').

  • Wie groß ist Marcel Kittel?

    Marcel Kittel hat eine Größe von ca. 📏 1,88 m. Damit ist er größer als die meisten deutschen Männer. Laut Statistik von 2021 beträgt die durchschnittliche Körpergröße eines Mannes in Deutschland 1,79 m.

  • Welche Augenfarbe hat Marcel Kittel?

    Die Augenfarbe von Marcel Kittel ist 👁️ blau.

  • Welche Haarfarbe hat Marcel Kittel?

    Die Haarfarbe von Marcel Kittel ist 🧑🏼‍ blond.

Mehr Geburtstage am 11. Mai

Mehr 36jährige Prominente

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Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Marcel Kittel | Marcel Kittel Steckbrief | Marcel Kittel Größe | Marcel Kittel Geburtstag | Marcel Kittel geboren | Marcel Kittel Geburtsort | Marcel Kittel Alter | Marcel Kittel Geburtsdatum | Marcel Kittel Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Marcel Kittel geboren | Wo wurde Marcel Kittel geboren | Alter von Marcel Kittel
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Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Marcel Kittel, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.