Jean-Bertrand Aristide, geboren am 15. Juli 1953 in Port-Salut, Haiti ist ein haitianischer Politiker. Er war zwischen 1990 und 2004 mehrmals Präsident der Republik Haiti.
Arrival of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti (center), at the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium), accompanied by Manuel Marín (right), Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Cooperation and Development and Fisheries. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Bildquelle: Clinton&Aristide-2.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Clinton&Aristide.jpg: Uncredited; White House derivative work: Off2riorob (talk) Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Jean-Bertrand Aristide meets Bill Clinton in the Oval Office, October 14, 1994.
Bildquelle: Clinton&Aristide.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / Uncredited; White House Lizenz: gemeinfrei
Jean-Bertrand Aristide meets Bill Clinton in the Oval Office, October 14, 1994.
Bildquelle: DD-SD-99-03743.jpg Autor: Wikipedia / TSGT Val Gempis (USAF) Lizenz: gemeinfrei
President Jean-Bertrand Aristide returns triumphantly to the National Palace at Port au Prince, Haiti during Operation Uphold Democracy.
Handshake between Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti (left), and Manuel Marín (right), Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Cooperation and Development and Fisheries. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Jacques Delors, President of the CEC, received Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Arrival of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti (center), at the European Commission in Brussels (Belgium), accompanied by Manuel Marín (right), Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Cooperation and Development and Fisheries. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Jacques Delors, President of the CEC, and Manuel Marín, Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Cooperation and Development and Fisheries, received Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Jacques Delors, President of the CEC, and Manuel Marín, Vice-President of the CEC in charge of Cooperation and Development and Fisheries, received Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti. Democratically elected in December 1990, Jean-Bertrand Aristide was overthrown and forced into exile following a military coup détat on 30 September 1991.
Group photo :1st row, from left to right : Jacques Chirac, President of the Republic of France; Francisco Flores, President of Salvador; Abel Pacheco, President of Costa Rica; Ricardo Lagos, President of Chile; Eduardo Duhalde, President of Argentina; Romano Prodi, President of the EC; Vicente Fox, President of Mexico; José María Aznar, Spanish Prime Minister and President in Exercise of the EU Council of Ministers; Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil; Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Prime Minister of Denmark; Jorge Quiroga Ramírez, President of Bolivia; ? ; Gustavo Noboa Bejarano, President of Ecuado; Tarja Halonen, President of Finland; Alfonso Portillo, President of Guatemala2nd row, from left to right: Jean-Claude Juncker, Luxembourgish Prime Minister; Said Musa, Belizean Prime Minister; Wolfgang Schüssel, Austrian Federal Chancellor; Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Italian Council of Ministers; Hugo Chávez, President of Venezuela; Hipólito Mejía, President of the Dominican Republic; Mireya Moscoso, President of Panama; Jean-Bertrand Aristide, President of Haiti; ? ; Enrique Bolaños Geyer, President of Nicaragua; Alejandro Toledo, President of Peru; Jorge Batlle, President of Uruguay; Gerhard Schröder, German Federal Chancellor; ? ; Guy Verhofstadt, Belgian Prime Minister; Wim Kok, Dutch Prime Minister3rd row, from left to right : ? ; ? ; ? ; ? ; ? ; Göran Persson, Swedish Prime Minister; ? ; Tony Blair, UI Prime Minister; ? ; Andrés Pastrana, President of Colombia; ? ; ? ; Vernon Lorden Shaw, President of Dominica; ?
President Bill Clinton meeting with President Jean-Bertrand Aristide of Haiti in the Oval Office. Present at the meeting include: Vice President Albert Gore, Secretary of State Warren Christopher, Samuel Sandy Berger and others.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide ist ein 🙋♂️ haitianischer Politiker und ehem. Staatspräsident Haitis
Wie alt ist Jean-Bertrand Aristide?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide ist ⌛ 71 Jahre alt. Bis zu seinem nächsten Geburtstag am 15. Juli 2025 sind es noch 158 Tage.
Wann hat Jean-Bertrand Aristide Geburtstag?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide wurde an einem Mittwoch am ⭐ 15. Juli 1953 geboren. Sein nächster Geburtstag fällt auf einen Dienstag.
Wo wurde Jean-Bertrand Aristide geboren?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide wurde in 🚩 Port-Salut, Haiti, geboren.
In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Jean-Bertrand Aristide geboren?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide wurde im westlichen Sternzeichen ♋ Krebs geboren. Nach der chinesischen Astrologie ist sein Tierkreiszeichen die Schlange 蛇 mit dem Element Wasser ('Wasser-Schlange').
Diese Seite wird auch unter folgenden Suchbegriffen gefunden: Alter Jean-Bertrand Aristide | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Steckbrief | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Größe | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Geburtstag | Jean-Bertrand Aristide geboren | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Geburtsort | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Alter | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Geburtsdatum | Jean-Bertrand Aristide Sternzeichen | In welchem Sternzeichen wurde Jean-Bertrand Aristide geboren | Wo wurde Jean-Bertrand Aristide geboren | Alter von Jean-Bertrand Aristide Du befindest dich auf der Seite Jean-Bertrand Aristide Einige Textpassagen dieser Seite stammen aus dem Wikipedia-Artikel Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Lizenz: CC-BY-SA 3.0, Autor/en: Liste.